After Hours, Weekends, and Holidays

Initial calls should be directed to WHECO offices. If no one is at the office to take your call, press 2 for a list of service technicians that may help you with your problem. If the service tech does not answer or return your call right away, please try one of the other contacts listed. A list of technicians is provided below for reference.

Name Mobile # Email
         Ken White (817) 253-7517
      Michael Hinton (817) 946-3418
      Steve Plumlee (817) 694-7019
   Kent Meyerhoeffer (817) 223-6874

Service Call Response Classifications

Utilization of the below referenced codes will help our personnel understand the priority of the call so that we may better meet your needs.

    Color Code Meaning
    CODE RED IMMEDIATE Response is Required
    CODE YELLOW Sometime TODAY will be satisfactory
    CODE BLUE Today or tomorrow will be satisfactory
    CODE WHITE In the near future, not an emergency